Offshore Heat Exchanger Services


PJ Heat Exchanger Services are fully registered with First Point Assessment (FPAL) Ltd for the gas and oil industries.

FPAL operates as a neutral industry steered organisation, facilitating efficiencies in the gas and oil supply chain.

Everyone traveling to any offshore assets worldwide (production platform, drill rig, FPSO, etc) must complete an offshore survival course before being allowed to travel.

Our engineers are fully trained and hold Basic Offshore Sea Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) qualifications, and have been passed medically fit for work offshore.

To find more information about First Point Assessment (FPAL) visit


Our engineers have undertaken Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) for experienced offshore workers.

Developed by Atlas Interactive in conjunction with OPITO, the Minimum Industry Safety Training scheme helps to reduce hazards and accidents in the offshore industry by improving safety training for all personnel.

You can find out more information about Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) at

Offshore Heat Exchanger Servicing